perm filename TALK2[AP,DBL] blob sn#104891 filedate 1974-06-05 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00400	Stanford University, Computer Science Department
00600	Automatic Programming Group Meeting
00800	Thursday, June 6, 1974
01700				PUP5
01800	Continuation of a talk on a program-understanding program
01900			   by Doug Lenat
02300	1. Review
02400	2. Implementation details
02500		Precisely what knowledge you need to write induction programs
02600		How to actually construct a working system: Protocol
02700		Deviations from the theory: confessions
02800		Program parameters
02900	3. Questions one should ask about any automatic programming system
03000		Does it write one program?
03100		What is the input dialog like?
03200		Does it write a second program?
03300		How difficult is it to extend it to write more programs?
03400		Where inside it is the program really stored?
03500	4. Results
03600		Input: the user-pup dialogue
03700		Output: the CF program it produced
03800	5. A second task is chosen: grammatical inference
03900		The program it should write
04000		What new beings, functions, and changes to old PUP5 system are
04100			required?   How hard will this new task be?
04200	6. Extensions
04300		What programs could be written with only minor modifications?
04400		What programs are very poorly suited to PUP5?
04500	7. Conclusions
04600		Comparison of PUP5 to other systems: size and time of system and of
04700			target programs.  Relative performance.
04800		Disussion of effort expended and it worth, for each phase of the
04900			project: conception, protocol, programming, debugging,
05000				 future target programs
05100		Was it the right way to solve the problem?
05200			Was it the right problem?
05300		Future directions
05400			immediate: more target programs, by more users
05500			theoretical: analysis of class of programs well/poorly
05600				suited to attack by PUP5 ideas.
05700			sometime: clean up system, more faithful to the ideas.
05800			destiny: what is the impact and the future of the ideas
05900			our group: coordination with other systems
06000				ease
06100				utility
06200				who's in control
06300				do you really want a ten page sort program?

00100		The knowledge necessary to write a concept formation program
00300		A. High-level, domain-specific knowledge
00500	The user must be aware that we are about to undertake concept formation.
00600	Inference and attention-focussing demons must be turned on.
00700	After completion of this task, PUP will be able to learn concepts.
00800	This is a specialized form of attending, learning, and doing inductive
00900	inference. It is an alternative to grammatical inference, pattern
01000	recognition, and simulated evolution. Its structure must be one of the
01100	following: classificatory concept formation, comparative concept formation,
01200	or metrical concept formation. We must make the boolean decision as to
01300	whether or not concepts may vary with time. Similarly, whether the speed
01400	of presentation of the stimuli is relevant; if so, then we must constrain
01500	the effort spent on various phases of identification. Instances may be
01600	left in view indefinitely, or may be removed right after processing;
01700	this latter casee holds for CF; it means we must derive all relations
01800	(features) as soon as we see a scene. The program will have to be  just
01900	complex enough to handle conjunctive, disjunctive, or both kinds of
02000	concpts; this is another decision to make. Similarly for positive,
02100	negative, both, or neither kinds of transfer (psychological), which
02200	affects the recognition that a concept is new, and how previously
02300	learned concepts interact with the learning of new ones. We must whether
02400	to use positive, negative, or boht kinds of instances of a concept.
02500	Subject-specific behavior may be required; that is, the program may
02600	have to input a vector describing a particular individual, and its
02700	whole structure must mimic this subject. The last decision is one of
02800	adapting the program to an extended sample dialogue which the user must
02900	furnish; this will help both to check out the program writtten, and to
03000	fix various print statements and I/O formats. It is easy to call this
03100	being (.1), it has a 50-50 chance of calling* itself, it has only a
03200	.5 chance of succeeding, but the effort to try it is moderate (.5).
03300	There is no fundamental reason for delaying its investigation (.1).
03400	It recognizes itself only through exact matching of one of seven
03500	patterns. It has sentences describing what it does, how, and why.
03600	It is unlikely (-70) to be called if some type of concept formation
03700	is already doable by PUP; if PUP wants to characterize classes, then
03800	it's very likely (88) to be called. The presence of new information
03900	delays (-60) our calling the being, since it might affect what we
04000	should do. Conversely, the absence of new information mildly (40)
04100	encourages us to go on and try it. When finished, the user must be
04200	aware that PUP has decided on a particular type of concept formation,
04300	and that it has done it. The other beings affected depend on the
04400	decisions mentioned earlier.
04600		This is an over-abundance of information. From now on, I will
04700	only give the little pieces of information which are crucial to the
04800	writing of some part of the CF system.
05100	To do this, we must partition a domain, in an interactive "guessing"
05200	manner.
05500	Same as above, but then we must partially order the equivalence classes
05600	of the partition. It is harder, also.
05900	Same as previous being, but we must also induce a metric on the
06000	partial ordering of the classes. This is even more complicated.
06200		Since we actually do classificatory CF, the beings to order
06300	a partition and to metrize an ordering weren't implemented.
06500	 PARTITION A DOMAIN in a guessing, interactive manner.
06600	The partition may be only partial, it may be only weak, and, most
06700	crucially, the being must be able to do some of these: partition by
06800	accepting an element and getting its class name (guessing the name
06900	and then checking it somehow), partition by accepting a class name
07000	and getting its member elements, partition by accepting ordered
07100	pairs <element, classname>.  The fringe of conciousness demon must
07200	be activated from now on.
07500	Take hold of an element (by reading, for example), and then work to
07600	get the name of the class it belongs to (by guessing, then verifying
07700	the guess, for example). Then modify the structure of the class(es)
07800	involved.
08100	Take hoold of a class name, and then work to get elements it contains.
08200	Then modify the structure of the class and the element(s) involved.
08500	Take hold of both and element and its corresponding class name, and
08600	use these to modify the structure of the partition; i.e., the class
08700	mentioned if the partition is stored by classes.
09000		B. Low-level, domain-specific knowledge
09300	It can translate (... is incompatible with ...). It is a predicate,
09400	fairly easy to write therefore. It is composed of SOMEOF the following:
09500	Probability≡0 contradiction, Probability≡1 contradiction, Probability
09600	>0 and <1 contradiction.  Since these names are fairly cryptic, some of
09700	their parts (e.g, HOW) must be printed out to help the usr choose.
10000	Since this is a very simple thing in our domain of concept formation,
10100	it is immediately encodable as (MEMBER arg1 arg2). That is, if arg1
10200	has probability zero of occurring in arg2, yet it does, then we have
10300	a contradiction.
10600	Immediately encodable as (NOT (MEMBER arg1 arg2)). If arg1 has probability
10700	one of occurring in arg2, yet it doesn't, then we have a contradiction.
11000	Immediately enacodable as NIL. If arg1 might and might not occur in arg2,
11100	we can't get a contradiction just by checking its membership. Of course,
11200	the idea that this is the only way to prove contradiction is what makes 
11300	these beings domain-specific!
11500	 SCENE
11600	This is a data structure, composed of four subparts. The first is
11700	a set O of objects. Next is an atom indicating the name N of the scene.
11800	Next come two lists of features, where a feature is just a predicate
11900	and its arguments. The first is the static relations S between objects.
12000	Finally we have the dynamic relations D between objects.
12200		C. Ubiquitous, problem-independent beings and functions
12500	All its arguments must be beings, else it prints a nasty warning message.
12600	We select the best being and apply it. If it fails, we re-order the  
12700	remaining beings and apply the best one of them. Note that this new
12800	reordering may use knowledge gleaned during the earlier, unsuccessful
12900	being try.  Thus, this is a (possible) intelligent nondeterministic
13000	branch point. The intelligence lies (or fails to lie) in the comparison
13100	function, BETTER, which decides who goes next.
13300	 SATISFY
13400	This is the equivalent of a pattern-directed goal statement. We ask
13500	each being, "Can you do anything matching x?".  We take the list of those
13600	answering affirmatively, and CHOOSE FROM it one being after another
13700	until the desired effects are realized. Notice that a being who said
13800	"probably" may succeed in his application and yet not effect the result
13900	we wanted, so that a trivial call on CHOOSE FROM is insufficient.
14000	The beings possible affected are just those answering affirmatively.
14200	 MESSAGE
14300	This being has a main effect (AWARE USER x), hence is very frequently
14400	called.  The forgetful-user demon trims the aware user list periodically.
14500	Message looks to see if its message is on that list; if not, it inserts it
14600	and prints it out to the user. If it is, it moves the message to the front
14700	of the aware-user list and prints out nothing.
15000	These functions take as input the name of a function, and output a
15100	description of what arguments it will ever be called with (in the existing
15200	code.) For example, it might say "arg1 will always be NAME:OF:CLASS, and
15300	arg2 will consecutively be all integers from 3 to (LENGTH SET:OF:CLASSES)".
15400	At present these work in the obvious way, looking at everything. The
15500	tremendous amout of CPU time spent in these functions indicates that I
15600	should have made special assert:lists for argument instantiations, and
15700	updated them each time a being is called in the target code.
16000	This being must search through  he code to find a form matching a given
16100	pattern.  Although it is used under ten times in the total dialog, it is
16200	so costly that I've implemented it as an ask-the-user call. Work must be
16300	done here to understand why this is so inefficient, and to remedy it.
16600	This being is similar to flow-preceded, except that the pattern-matching
16700	is between two constant strings.  This is tolerably efficient in CPU time
16800	and is used heavily throughout the writing of CF.
17100	The natural language front end is managed by this being. It asks each being
17200	whether it recognizes a given string. Translate then takes the "best" --
17300	the most probable -- of these as the translation, and can backtrack and
17400	reorder the remaining interpretations if it has to. If called with no
17500	argument, it examines various assert-lists to see if it can do any good.
17600	The idiom demon must be activated during the control period of this being.
17900	This is usaully called by a demon who watches the deferred-decision
18000	assert list. We transfer the decision in question from the deferred to
18100	the undeferred decision assert list. A deferral demon will promptly
18200	react to anything on this latter list. An interesting caution: it was 
18300	necessary to inhibit all demons during the execution of this being, for
18400	reasons very similar to those leading to lock and unlock system commands.
18500	THe fact that some being might have to be demon-uninterruptable forced us
18600	to institute an entire new question asking just about this tiny point!
18900	Remove the decision from the undeferred decision assert list.
19000	Determine the situation when we must next reinvestigate this decision.
19100	This will be some predicate examing the state of the world. If this
19200	predicate is true currently, we must resolve the decision now. Otherwise,
19300	we put the decision on the deferred decision list, attached to its (new)
19400	reinvestigation predicate. Demons must be inhibited during this being's
19500	reign, to ensure that it's notions of the world are accurate upon exit.
19700	 WHEN NEXT
19800	Manipulate the decision to extract the name of the variable holding
19900	information relevant to deferring the decision. Utilize this knowledge
20000	so as to keep the effects of the decision irrelevant; i.e., find the
20100	(next) situation in which they are not irrelevant.  Whoever called
20200	this being is now asserted to be aware of its results. THis is fairly
20300	complex, and the being is not called unless it is necessary. As it happens,
20400	it is called a few times for every decision to be made about every being
20500	in the target program (several hundred times).
20700	 UTILIZE
20800	This being applies various knowledge "variables," starting at specific
20900	ones and moving toward very general ones, until one of them reports
21000	being able to acheive the desired goal.
21300	Again, all demons must be inhibited. After some preliminary searching
21400	and very trivial theroem-proving fail, this being resorts to asking the
21500	user about how to resolve a given decision.
21800	We determine the argument instantiations of the little piece of code
21900	we're worrying about, determine the type of decision to be made, and
22000	apply the specific knowledge variable for x-ing that type of decision.
22100	Here, we get x by examing who called this being and why. To write a
22200	specialized version of ask-user-about, we just write a standard
22300	print, read, and assign function, with the details left unspecified
22400	until the sample session is read in.
22600	 BETTER
22700	This function is used to compare two beings, and decide which of them
22800	should gain control.  It evaluates their WHEN parts, and if they tie
22900	it evaluates their complexity vectors. Note that "eval" here is not
23000	trivial: each dimension of the complexity vector of a being can be a
23100	little program which examines itself, other beings, and the state of the
23200	world before deciding on a numerical answer to rturn.
23400	 Handling of User Interrupts
23500	There are several functions and beings involved in this process.
23600	Initially, the user describes how often the system is to give him the
23700	opportunity to interrupt and query it.  At each of these times, the 
23800	HANDLE USER INTERRUPT function asks the user if he wants to interrupt;
23900	if so, PROCESS USER INTERRUPT is called to do the job. In addition to
24000	asking for pieces of any being, the user may request limited simulated
24100	execution of various pieces, and may order the current being to FAIL.
24400		D. High-level, problem-independent knowledge: how to write programs
24600	 SERVE
24700	Obtain information until some of it is "executable," then carry it out.
24800	The forgetful-user demon is activated. Without this top-level purpose,
24900	PUP5 sits contentedly, never wanting to accept a new task.
25200	The user must be made aware that PUP is about to write a program, what
25300	kind of program it is, what its name is (this will force a get-name
25400	being call), and that its type has been examined (this will cause a
25500	study-type being call). Upon exit, he must be told that PUP has completed
25600	the task, and what its new capabilities are. To wite a program, one enters
25700	a loop, broken only when several completion conditions are all true
25800	simultaneously: the top-level task is now a being, there are no undefined
25900	sections of code, there are no warnings left about the code, there is
26000	no executable information anywhere, ther is no new but unprocessed
26100	information, there are no decisions still pending (except those requiring
26200	"everything else" to be complete; e.g., the adaptation ofoutput formats
26300	using a sample session). If we do break out of the loop, we must update
26400	the list of programs written, the list of what PUP can now do, of what
26500	the user may do, we find the set of support of the top-level task and
26600	create a new file with the relevant functions and beings (which auto-
26700	matically does global initializations and then enters the top-level
26800	task instead of SERVE).     In general, of course, we won't break out,
26900	so we activate all the current demons and go on. All the body of the
27000	loop is is one CHOOSE FROM, between six alternatives: obtaining some
27100	usable info, using some usable info, filling in some function call which
27200	is currently undefined, clarifying some little piece of code known to
27300	be improbable for some specific reason, adapting some known function
27400	to conform to some specific new requirements, fixing some piece of code
27500	which doesn't work the way it claims to work. The last two of these are
27600	simply program modification and debugging, respectively! Failure of one
27700	of these six beings simply causes CHOOSEFROM to try another one; failure of
27800	a demon causes the whole WRITE PROGRAM being to fail. During its reign,
27900	the program-writing demons, deferral-demon, ad reinvestigation-demon are
28000	all activated.  Its complexity vector is dependent upon that of the
28100	being closest to the task it must perform.
28400	The WHEN part informs us that this is always undesirable (-10) but
28500	is OK (111) if there exists new but not yet usable information. All
28600	we do here is CHOOSE FROM the following four alternatives: translate
28700	something, get brand new information, analyze the implications of
28800	existing information, extract a small relevant subset of the existing
28900	information to concentrate on.
29200	This demands that some executable information exist. We select one such
29300	piece, and try to execute it. If we fail, its worth is decreased; if we
29400	succeed, it is removed from the executable info assert list.
29700	THere must be some undefined section. If so (80) we don't want any
29800	hi-priority (≤20) coding warnings still around  (-150), and we do like
29900	there to be something both undefined and known to be encodable (96).
30000	We fix a choice of what to encode, and try to acheive its encoding.
30100	If we fail, we update the difficulty of that choice, and may assert that
30200	we want some specific new information to relieve the problem.  In addition
30300	to ENCODE, this being also may call MAKE ENCODABLE and STUDY TYPE.
30600	This being demands that something of mediocre priority (≤500) exist on
30700	the coding warning assert-list. It likes (51) this, and dislikes (-41)
30800	anything on the undefined section list, or anything (-200) on the encodable
30900	section list.  As always, a sentence is provided to justify each of these
31000	little beliefs. We choose the warning with the highest priority (lowest
31100	numerical weight) on the coding warning list, note that that is what PUP
31200	is working on now, and do a match to decide what type of warning it is.
31300	(i) Replace x by y in z 
31400	Here these may be nonspecific; z may be "in all code recently generated".
31500	The nature of y may cause us to include new warnings; y may mention a new
31600	data structure.
31700	(ii) x in y is undefined; probably z since r
31800	This may cause us to add to the global initialization list. It will
31900	probably cause us to ask the user what the answer is.
32000	(iii) x is a data structure but we don't know much about it
32100	We try to find out its structure, how to initialize, access, insert,
32200	delete, update it. A variant of this warning is:
32300	(iv) We find no x's  associated with data structure y
32400	Here x can point to insertions, deletions, initializations, etc.
32500	If we can't justify the lack, we try to defer the decision. Failing
32600	that, we ask the user.
32700	(v) Command if x then y
32800	This is a programmed demon; when situation x is true, we must do y.
32900	(vi) Delete all mention of x
33000	This is like a replace, but we go through the assert lists with an eye
33100	toward deleting unnecessary worries.
33200	(vii) Infinite loop in x from y to z
33300	If we can't justify this, we insert a test to break out of the loop.
33400	Justification might be that this loop is in the top-level function of
33500	the system, where we never wnat to break out.
33600	(viii) Incomprehensible (there is a "bug" in x manifesting itself as y)
33700	Never needed to write CF, so not implemented. SHould call FIX INCORRECT
33800	PIECE (which is also not in yet) or ask the user for assistance.
34100	Naturally, it is not thrilled if (-68) there exists some new but 
34200	unexamined information, and it is happy (50) if there is none.
34300	The prerequisites ensure that the user is aware of what PUP wants,
34400	and if the theorem prover can't deliver it, PUP asks the user for some.
34500	If PUP asks for something general ("any task") it is because it knows
34600	precisely that this is what it wants, not out of ignorance! During
34700	execution, the specificity check demon is active; he ensures that
34800	it is indeed phrased as specifically as possible; if not, MAKE SPECIFIC
34900	will be called. This is a very uncomplicated being, and a very unpopular
35000	one to use since we should squeeze every drop of meaning out of what
35100	we have before asking for more information.
35400	This likes (70) there to be a great deal (≥50 pieces) of new information,
35500	and dislikes (-80) it if there are under a dozen such tokens.
35600	It finds and evaluates knowledge variables to constrain what should be
35700	looked at currently. This is never called in the dialog, though it was in
35800	the protocol.
36100	The WHEN part is unhappy (-60) if there is usable information already,
36200	since this being is fairly costly. It also examines the size of the
36300	new info list to see just how long this search will be. The being locates
36400	the code that will be affected, predicts the affects, and sees how
36500	desirable this is. This being is also never needed to write CF.
36800	If all else fails, this being tries replacing a function by one of its
36900	alternatives or, as a last resort, by one of its generalizations.  This
36950	last resort is never needed to write CF.
37100	 ENCODE
37200	Despite its key name, this being is mostly a bookkeeper! It runs around
37300	the assert lists, gathering up enough information to encode a specified
37400	little piece of code. A program schema is built up, instantiated as much
37500	as possible, printed out for the user to refer to, and passed to a highly
37600	optimized recursive auxilliary function, GETCODE. Some woorying about the
37700	arguments is done,including what they might be instantiated as. We inform
37800	the user of the code being written, and a prerequisite causes the function
37900	to become made into a being.
38200	This being accepts a being call, looks at that being's specializtions
38300	part, translates each entry into a decision, and dumps these onto the
38400	undeferred decision list. A deferral demon promtly attends to them.
38700	We call select-structure type, and use its advice to point to the
38800	proper knowledge variable. We eval it to set up the various parts of
38900	the data structure. In unclear cases, we may ask the user whether the
39000	argument really is a data structure. We ensure that this object is
39100	a being (else we make it one,) and we add warnings to the effect that
39200	there might not be any insertions or deletions; we'll worry about that
39300	much later, by another being. We know that the elements of a data
39400	structure are themselves usually data structures, so one the prerequisites
39500	says that we must try to make the arguments into data structures as well.
39700	 GETCODE
39800	This is a long, special-case, recursive function. It goes through a piece
39900	of code with two jobs: to build up a list of arguments to this function,
40000	and to get names for specific instances of general beings.
40100	Part of the kludgy character is due to the fact that there are non-beings
40200	in the code: primitive forms (structure, tuple, vector, class, comment,
40300	atoms), primitive functions (read, null, and ,...), primitive variables
40400	(t, nil, 4, ...).  By keeping closely to the theoretical ideals implicit
40500	in the ideas, this function would probably become trivial.
40700	 GET NAME
40800	First we study plausible names for the new specialized being. We make the
40900	user aware of them. We examine the being name carefully, to see if it
41000	was just mentioned in the same piece of code (probably then the same name),
41100	whether it's ever been mentioned and specialized, and so on. Sometimes we
41200	end up deciding not to get a new name, sometimes we pick one and just tell
41300	the user, sometimes we recommend some old specialized name. In 90% of the
41400	cases, though, we simply say "give me a name for ...". A new-name counter
41500	is maintained to ensure unique names, and this number is appended onto the
41600	end of what the user types, uunless it's an already-existing being name.
41700	The user my type ] (and usually does), indicating that PUP is to choose.
41800	PUP always informs the user what the name is at the end.
42100	This being has the awesome responsibility of giving life to new beings.
42200	As is the case with neurons, soldiers, and all (good) beings, no one being
42300	really does much when you look at it in isolation. Thus this one already
42400	gets the name of the being, the name of its parent (its least general
42500	generalization), how the metacodes of these tow differ, the arglist,
42600	the reason for this specialized being to exist, what extra qualities it
42700	possesses or lacks wrt its parent, etc.  It can figure out who it affects
42800	by examing its various parts, and it bases the complexity vector on
42900	that of the parent and on the changes in this new being. Thus it basically
43000	does gets, evals, and puts. It updates various assert lists, and semi-
43100	compiles the new being. One bit of knowledge says that the explicit args
43200	check may be significantly different, and the user may be queried.
43500		E. Low-level problem-independent knowledge: bits of programs
43800	This being is called by GetName, and should incorporate a good model of user
43900	psychology of name-choosing. Currently, it applies Initials, Mainwords,
44000	Firstfew, and compositions of these,  to the task description sentence.
44300	Basically, beings only lend themselves to interpreting; to help speed up
44400	this process, this being can take advantage of regularities and simplicities
44500	in anohter being's parts, and turn out a fast function to do an equivalent
44600	job.  For example, if a being doesn't enable any new demons, we needn't
44700	push the demon stack at the beginning and pop it at the end.  
45000	This is a true bit of programming knowledge: if the structure is composed
45100	of several weakly-interacting pieces tied together through association with
45200	one atom, then the data structure should be a list of these atoms, with
45300	the associated structures being stored on the property lists of the atoms.
45400	If there are only a couple pieces, or they interact strongly, we should
45500	use a nested list structure instead.
45700	 ELEMENT
45800	All we know about an element is that it is a member of a data structure,
45900	and that we should not be ashamed to ask the user to clarify himself if
46000	he mentions this. The ConceptFormation being should note that future
46100	refernces to element actually refer to a scene, an instance of a concept,
46200	and that  references to class refer to the model of a concept, a set of
46300	scenes.  This may change as new data structures come into existence.
46600	Generally, we will be given a typical element, and must identify the 
46700	structures it blongs to, and modify them. The precise details indicate that
46900	ALTERATION will be involved.
47100	 GET HOLD OF by guessing and checking
47200	We must discover whether an algorithm already exists which can get arg1.
47300	If not, we try to find one which can get arg1 and some other effects. We
47400	structure the function as some of COMPUTE, GENERATE&TEST, and SEARCH. 
47500	Finally, we must decide now on the type of error recovery desired: none,
47600	backtrack, or correct-and-try-to-proceed.
47800	 TAKE HOLD OF trivially
47900	We examine the flow of control through the preceding code, to decide
48000	whether arg1 has ever been SET. If so, we must ask the user whether or not
48100	to read in a new value. If no read is to be done, then this being reduces
48200	to a simple assignment, or perhaps to nothing at all. Otherwise, we read
48300	in the object, and assign its various subparts to SOME PART OF it.
48500	 IS OF TYPE
48600	This being is a predicate which is too low-level and general to do much.
48700	Basically, it helps formulate a question to the user, who must explain
48800	to PUP how to construct any predicate it comes across, usually just by
48900	translating a sentence the user types in.
49200	This being is always replaced by some initializing assignments, followed
49300	by calls on MODIFY STRUCTURE for some subparts of arg1. A bit of advice
49400	is that if arg1 is unstructured, try to get it structured. If this fails,
49500	maybe what is really wanted is to modify the structure of which arg1 is
49600	a member.
49900	As above, we look at the structuring of various arguments to decide what
50000	is really supposed to be deleted from where. We check with the user,
50100	remind him of various bindings relevant to the current call, and ak him
50200	to describe (1) under what conditions we do the deletion, (2) what exactly
50300	do we delete. These are translated, analyzed in the context of deletion,
50400	and help determine the deletion piece of code.
50700	This is similar to the preceding being. Here we also worry about
50800	whether the entity to be inserted has ever been bound. If not, we must see
50900	that it is! Often, this binding will be related to the Initialize part of
51000	the DataStructure piece of the being representing the structure we're
51100	inserting into.  Since some data structures have several similar but
51200	distinctly-named elements existing simultaneously, we have lots of little
51300	worries. After we have planned out the code, we check with the coding 
51400	warning list and add to it; e.g., any undefined initial value of a variable
51500	in a piece of code we stuck in here, will also be uninitialized here. If
51600	we later decide never to worry about the first initialization, we must
51700	not forget this one! This is a frequent source of bugs, I think.
51900	 GENERATE&TEST  and   COMPUTE are not needed or implemented.
52100	 SEARCH
52200	Currently, a primitive type of searching suffices. We simply execute
52300	the iteration FOREACH X IN XSET DO (TEST X).  If we're unsure, we check
52400	that XSET has the form SET OF (PLURAL X). The specializations tell us to
52500	worry about termination conditions. I suppose this being could also be
52600	used for generate-and-test.
52800	 FOREACH
52900	Not surprisingly, this is the iteration being. It is an NLAMBDA function,
53000	so its arguments aren't surrounded by quotes. There are various minor
53100	decisions to make, which simplify any specialized version:
53200	there may or may not be an "until" condition; we must get it and also
53300	decide what to bind the iteration variable to and what value to return,
53400	both in case this condition is met, and in case we exhaust the space.
53500	Often, we will decide to leave some of these unspecified, put notes about
53600	them on the coding warning list, and not worry about them for a long time.
53800	 TEST
53900	This being is a predicate which is oriented toward a threshold of accepta-
54000	bility, whereas ISOFTYPE is oriented toward separating cases. It either
54100	has the flavor of comparing, or of competition.  We must also decide
54200	whether the result is nominal, ordinal, or of ratio caliber. These latter
54300	two never crop up, which is why we assume the test is a predicate always.
54600	We either get this simple structural function by examples (like SHaw's
54700	program) or by translating a user-supplied English sentence describing
54800	what it does. Typically, some combinations of CAR, CDR, CONS, and NIL.
55000	 COMPARE 
55100	We must worry about whether the result is nominal, ordinal, or ratio.
55200	We also decide whether the comparison is a JOINING FUNCTION applied to
55300	its arguments, a constant function (executed only for side effects),
55400	or a JOINING FUNCTION applied to the results of COMPAREing corresponding
55500	subparts of the arguments. This last case is both common and complicated.
55600	If neither argument is structured, this is impossible. If both are highly
55700	structured, their structures must have a nontrivial amount of correspondence
55800	in order to succeed. If only one argument is structured, this strongly
55900	suggest that the other one should be similarly structured. Often we go
56000	ahead and structure it without asking the user.
56200	 BETTER
56300	We've discussed this earlier. Here we should note that when called on
56400	to write a new, specialized BETTER function, it chooses either a simple
56500	function (T, NIL) to allow an optimization (replace by CONS, replace by
56600	NCONC1), or it chooses a complex comparing function (e.g., alphorder,
56700	write-program itself!).
57000	This is a way of condensing results. It is typically a known function,
57100	asuch as AND, OR, PLUS, MAXIMUM, PROGN...  which is determined by (i) the 
57200	character of the result (numerical, T/F) and (ii) whether we are in
57300	a DO UNTIL loop, a DO REPEATEDLY loop, or neither of these loops.
57600		F. Programming Knowledge stored in variables
57800		To resolve an ADAPTATION decision
57900	Ask for sample dialog, symbolically run current code, modifying I/O formats.
58100		To defer any decision whose AFFECTS part is known
58200	It may translate as some detail of x; in that case, wait until some code for
58300	x already exists. The affects part may translate as The x algorithm; in this
58400	case we worry as soon as PUP begins DO-ing any coding at all of x.
58600		To defer an ALTERNATIVES decision
58700	Examine the coding tasks in all cases, and try to find some common head
58800	and/or some common tail. If there is any, try to defer the decision until
58900	after writing code for this common subtask sequence. If one alternative
59000	exactly matches the common sequence, we can temporarily assert that the
59100	decision has been made to do this simplest being.
59300	 	To terminate an AND loop
59400	The conjunction is usually between highly similar objects. Related to how
59500	to parse a sentence containing ANDs.
59700		To resolve a BOOLEAN decision
59800	Ask the user to respond Yes or No. The decision has special Yes, No, and
59900	Both parts; in each case, two of them will be evalled.
60100		To resolve a DEFINITION decision
60200	Locate the defined object, reaffirm that it is undefined, ask the user to
60300	define it, check whether it is a predicate, data structure, etc., and tell
60400	the user about such constraints.
60600		To resolve a DICHOTOMY decision
60700	Each such decision contains a little program which now is evaluated. If
60800	it succeeds, its value answers the decision; if it fails, we have to ask
60900	the user to choose alternative 1 or 2. The choice points to a little
61000	program to run, and its value is the desired resolution.
61200		To resolve a PREDICATE decision
61300	Fix the context of the predicate call, try to relate this predicate to some
61400	known tests, and, if this fails, ask the user. His response is specially
61500	processed in the context of a predicate fixation.
61700		To set up a data structure stored as a LIST STRUCTURE
61800	The initialization is a simple SETQ to an as-yet undefined value.
61900	Access is simply by mentioning the name. Insertion is by Merge:in or
62000	Merge. Deletion is by Pullout or Setdifference.
62200		To set up a data structure stored as a PROPERTY LIST STRUCTURE.
62300	Delineate the pieces to be associated with each atom, and name them.
62400	Accession is via GETP. Insertion s via a GETP, then a MERGE:IN, then a
62500	PUT. Deletion is via a GETP, then a PULLOUT, then a PUT. Initialization
62600	is a PUT of a SETQ to an as-yet undefined value.  Each named substructure
62700	must itself become a data structure, typically a simple list structure.
62900		To resolve a SOMEOF decision
63000	The user must be sufficiently informed about the choices. He types back
63100	a non-null, ordered subset of those choices. We examine them to see if
63200	they should be enclosed in a PROGN or in a REPEATEDLY, and whether we
63300	would like to see something structured in a certain way.
63500		To resolve a SUBSETOF decision
63600	Similar to above, but no fancy investigation, just string the choices
63700	together in a PROGN.
63900		To defer any decision whose WHEN part is provided
64000	We transform "before deciding firmly how to ←x ←←y" into something like
64100	"member (cons detail-of-$x-ing $y) doing-pup-list". We also translate
64200	Before any ←←x routine is finalized,  After ←←x routines are finalized,
64300	and similar phrases. These must always evaluate T or NIL.
64600		G. Demons and functions of interest
64900	These rather standard functions are gicen a tiny bit of advice: if their
65000	"element" is more like a sublist than an element of their "list", then
65100	they assume that what was meant was append or setidifference, not cons
65200	or merge or remove.
65500	If any name becomes unwieldy, he notices it and asks the user for a
65600	nickname.
65900	Implicit near the beginning of each decision, PUP called this function.
66000	It asks the user if he wnats more details, and if so it gets them and
66100	prints them out.
66400	If the object is a being already, special considerations apply.
66500	If the object and all arg values are ill-defined, we decide not to do
66600	any structuring. Otherwise, we investigate the effects of structuring 
66700	the object into the pieces specified in the args. If there is no problem,
66800	and if the user consents, we tack the appropriate Replace messages onto the
66900	coding warning list (with a high priority). We activate Long Name Demon.
67100	 Natural Language Translation
67200	We have already discussed the TRANSLATE being and the basic way of handling
67300	natural language input.  Several beings exist primarily for this purpose;
67700	ADJECTIVE:HANDLER,   REPEATEDLY.   Also, there are several functions
67800	related to translation: e.g., UNGERUNDIFY, PLURAL, OPPOSITE.
67900	All these are straight-forward, and their task is obvious from their name.